
This week I've been thinking a lot about goals.  This is mainly due to the fact that I've been compiling an enormous amount of information for my bucket list.  It has made me think of more than just my bucket list.  I've been thinking of other goals, too.  Here are just my insights this week about goals:

When you keep track of goals, by writing them down and keeping track of them.  You can visually see how much progress you are making towards them.  If you aren't crossing enough of them off, it gives you a sense of urgency to DO them.  To get them DONE and make them COMPLETE.  Once you cross them off of your list, you gain a sense of achievement.

The quote I added this week is along the same lines.

I've also come to the conclusion that I try to implement this in my day to day process.  If you keep a list of things to do and cross them off when they are finished.  You gain a sense of accomplishment.  Which leads to an article that one of the owners/founders of the organization that I work for handed to me last week on Thursday.  We feel happy when we make progress.

So, in turn.  Goals can make us HAPPY.

(Photo from Microsoft Free Images)


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