
I think it's good to get away from our fast-paced world.  With all of the cell phones ringing, texts beeping, cars zooming, emails dinging and people chatting.  Don't you ever feel like you need some downtime?  I know I need to gather my thoughts.  I always need to stop every, oh, I would say, week, preferably.  Unfortunately that doesn't always happen and I feel like I'm go, go, going.  Which is productive, as long as it's in the right direction.  If I'm not on the correct path then it's counter-productive, isn't it?  I've been trying to do less and enjoy more.  I planted seeds with my kids over the weekend.  We don't get to see the results immediately, but with time, the seeds will sprout.  We'll all have a darling memory because we took the time to do something long term.

(Photo from Microsoft Free Images)


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