Is Downtime Away from Distractions/Electronics Good for Your Brain?

The answer is:  YES!

I have definitely noticed a difference from five to seven years ago on how people act and react in work, public places, and practically everywhere due to constant distractions with digital devices.  I truly believe that it's sometimes good to take a break from your texts, computers, phones, and give yourself a break.  I know it's hard at first, but in the end you realize what is important.  Like being around your children, playing with them, laughing with them, listening to their day at school.

Even if you don't have kids.  Take a bath, enjoy the sound of the water and the echo in the room.  It's amazing what you learn by watching and listening to the world around you.

I think you'll realize that you won't be switching subjects as quickly in conversations, they'll also be more meaningful.  The person your talking to will also enjoy the fact you're not looking at your phone every two seconds.

(Photo from Microsoft Free Images, Provided by fotolia)


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