What did you do over the weekend?

What did you do over the weekend?  I went to my kid's soccer games, the college to get my books and Wheeler Farm - where I met up my best friend since fourth grade - no joke.

There were some nice ladies who offered the us bread to give to the geese. So, we accepted and visited the geese first.  The kids were so funny when they were feeding the geese bread.  After that I bought cow milking tickets.

We then headed over to the farm area, where I met Stacie and her family.  We saw this poor pregnant goat.  Look how wide the cute thing is!  It reminded me of my adventures at the work meeting (that I still need to blog about).  We saw horses, bunnies, chickens, pigs and more goats.

When it became closer to five-o'clock, we went to the cow milking.  Everyone gathered in this brick barn and attentively listened while the guide told us about the types of dairy cows and how to milk the cow.  My oldest son was excited to do it and my younger son decided not to do it.  Stacie's daughter, who earlier said she didn't want to, decided to in the end.  It was a great experience and a lot easier than I thought it would be.  I think everyone needs to try something new each year.  I would love to do it every day, but consistency is nice too.

(Photos by Sakura's Creations)


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