Old Uncle Sam

You all know me, I’m Uncle Sam
So gosh darn proud, oh yes I am

I’m for this country, all the way
But you knew that, I'll never sway

I've been around for quite awhile
Forget my age, I’m still in style

Like Yankee Doodle, yes siree
Like Troy, New York’s great history

I’m so proud Yankee Doodle’s kin
And proud what Troy for me has been

‘Twas Eighteen Twelve when all began
Too bad there was no cameraman

Our country fought its second war
We would prevail, just like before

Your Uncle Sam knows all too well
The facts are clear, war can be hell

Stay close to your Old Uncle Sam
I'm here for you, that’s what I am

We are the great Land of The Free
Thanks to those marching faithfully

Salute and thank the brave you see
Do not forget, they’re tops with me

America, stand up and cheer
Our forces keep our freedom clear

One Nation Under God we stay
This truth endures to greet each day


My time now draws to bid farewell
‘Twas grand to have you for a spell

Goodbye to you, each worthy friend
God Bless You, all my love I send
©2006Roger J. Robicheau

(Picture from Wikipedia.org, J.M. Flagg's 1917 Poster)


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